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DavosPharma is the leading provider of discovery, chemistry and formulation services, offering solutions to both emerging biotechs and established multinationals during drug development.


Since 1972, DavosPharma has serviced the pharmaceutical industry, from preclinical to commercial. Over the years, the company has established an excellent reputation in evaluating, coordinating and delivering drug development through our strategic partners. Today, DavosPharma offers a comprehensive, fully integrated global development and manufacturing service model.


DavosPharma suppliers are global leaders in the pharmaceutical industry.

Many are niche manufacturers with special capabilities. In order to become partner suppliers for DavosPharma they are required to meet specific criteria, including ethics and business practices, communication practices, regulatory compliance, a commitment to quality and a history of deliverables.

DavosPharma is the leading provider of discovery, chemistry and formulation services, offering solutions to many of the problems faced by both emerging biotechs and established multinationals during drug development.

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